1. Identify my personality type🤔


This was the first work I did and it is the first step to discover my true 
identity: discover my personality type. 

It is a test that defines which of the 6 personality types I identify with. I found it very interesting to do this activity because although I already had an idea of what my personality type was, this test not only tells me the personality type but also explains it in more detail and why I got that type. 

As far as you can see in the attached image I obtained two personalities, artistic and social, I agree with the results, however, I always thought that I was only part of the artistic personality, but at the time the test gave me the details of why I came out social I think it does make sense, I have always been a person who likes to help in general either people, animals or environment.

It's a very interesting test so I hope you do it and discover your personality type. 😁

Bye! ✪


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