7. Look to your future 🌠
Welcome to a new post! 😜
In this module we should investigate about a news or situation that was happening in our country 🤓, in my case I chose a news that talks about a very controversial situation that although it has always happened, it was aggravated by the pandemic and the quarantine, the unemployment of many Colombians and how this clearly affects all their costs including the food they need for the day to day.
After having chosen this news we had to make a summary that spoke of the news that we had investigated using be going to y will/ won't.
Here I leave my summary 📄and the link 💻 to my news in case you are interested in reading it with more details 💡 :
Unemployment in Colombia has grown to 23% in June and is going to get worse.The loss of jobs ranges from company workers to independent workers, street vendors, owners of small businesses, etc., and clearly displaced migrants have also been affected.
After the situation we are experiencing, the government is trying to help the most affected people but it is very difficult and they haven’t been able and probably won’t be able to help all the families since we are talking about millions.
The government provides its help from different programs such as ingreso solidario, jovenes en acción, familias en acción, etc. At this time, it is concentrating on the most affected such as families with very few resources or that family members don’t have employment. At this moment, they have helped more than 2.4 million families, which is very close to their Goal of 3 million with the ingreso solidarioprogram, and if they continue like this and don’t have many obstacles, they will probably reach their goal and even help more families.
Although they have managed to help many families, they have suffered many setbacks at the time of delivering the money or food since sometimes the names do not match the families to whom they must deliver or the identification numbers are non-existent, or are even identifications of dead people. In addition, sometimes the aid reaches families that although they have difficult times, have the minimum resources to get through this situation, and not to families that really need it urgently, in this article they give us the example of two men who have had several problems with receiving these aids, since they have not received any kind of help, and as they go, they will not receive any help.
They bring up the case of Fredy Laguna Urquijo, a bus driver who precisely lost his job when this pandemic began, and Mario Abril Cruz, an independent worker, who like Fredy, have not received the necessary aid, in the case of Fredy, began to receive aid in April and didn’t receive the aid that the government was going to give him, and with all the time that has passed, he probably won’t receive it.
Although the government has many inconveniences and sometimes the neediest families do not receive the help they urgently need, it is doing its best to help all the people it can, and this is reflected in the money they have invested to help the families, but clearly it is not going to be a quick process and it takes time.
I hope you enjoyed this post and it made you think about how many people were and are affected by this pandemic 😥. See you in a new post!😉
Bye! ✪
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